Coming Home – to a Bucket List

A bucket list!

Now is awesome, as Connie Johnson, sister of Samuel Johnson and inspiration for the Love Your Sister charity, reminded everyone on every single day of her life even as she fought the insidious cancers that took that life from her at the age of 40. I learned a lot watching that woman face her mortality. She had a bucket list of humble and audacious goals and she persevered with each of them until her last breath. I’ve been given a gift she was unable to enjoy, life and health, and I will not waste it.

How glorious that I get the chance to dream a bit!

Today I turn 50. Golly. That’s quite a big number, isn’t it? No better time to check that bucket list and get things moving, wouldn’t you agree?

On my bucket list is a long list of hiking trails and holiday destinations and writing goals and things to make/grow/build and books to read and all of them are things I think will be possibilities as time passes and the stars align. I’ve never been bored and can’t imagine ever finding myself with nothing left to interest me. 

I want to spend time with my family and friends and invest time in relationships that matter. That feels a little bit like the obligatory part of my Wishlist but it IS a given because it’s the backbone of my dreams. None of them can come true if that one isn’t solid and thriving in place. I want to find meaningful work that pays enough to keep hearth and home together and to keep me stimulated and learning. I want to see my children flourish as independent adults out in a world they can explore and learn to love. That said… I have a group of things I would dearly love to see come true.

When I first saw the movie ‘The Bucket List” I thought the concept was a bit twee. As time passed and I realised I was reacting and not taking life by the thorny bits I saw that to know what you were aiming for was powerful. More than that, it’s fun. Every time I get closer to something I dream of I get a thrill that leaves me on a high for days. When one is ticked off it is replaced by something else (yes, there’s a supplementary list ready for just such an occasion!!!).

the dawn is an arsonist

My bucket list:

1. Hold the book I wrote in my hands (and then place it on my bookshelf)

2. See sunrise and sunset at Uluru

3. Hike the Great Ocean Walk

4. Camp solo – somehow, somewhere, sometime

5. See the Northern Lights

6. Learn to stand-up paddle board

7. Travel the Western Australian coast

8. Kayak the Glenelg River Trail

9. Hike in snow-shoes

10. Travel Canada and New Zealand in camper vans

Yes, there are ten of them (combined the last two to fit them in…). I like a neat group and I grew up in the decimal system!

Some of these goals are very close to being realised. Ian gave me the most thoughtful gift for Christmas. He has upgraded my car camping set up to include a fixed bed that is truly comfortable. I am ready to go on that solo trip (#4). OK, trips plural, I actually have something of a list that I’m excited to get started on. In this year of personal challenges I have created a list that is impossible to complete within 365 days but exciting to tackle. A tour of literary places in Victoria? Sure! How about a few days in NSW to meet my cousin? No problem at all, just set the date! I have the gear and now just need to summon the courage to do that first solo overnight trip. I’m nearly there. Just watch me!

The book (#1) is in full manuscript form. Even if this is not ‘the’ book, as first books are often a practice run, I am well on the way to holding a book I have written in my hands. It has gone from being a dream to being a real possibility.

The Bushland Babes are kitted out and ready ( I didn’t say fit, ready will do us…) to do our first overnight hikes. Despite concerted efforts by one puppy dog to eat our freeze dried supplies I think a multi day hike (#3) is now a sure thing. The Very Peri Geris are registered for CoastTrek and a 30km walk/hike in May.

Ian and I have made copious plans for travelling and longer trips (#7) will need a bit more time to ensure that kidults, puppy dogs and Ardley are all prepared for us to be away for more than a few days. 

If the universe truly is unfolding as it should I hope that I am meant to be here for decades to come. The lists are going to take me at least that long to work through and I would hate to leave anything unfinished. Let me know if you’re joining me on any of these adventures!!!

Tell me all about something special on your bucket list!

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