Having the Desiderata as my guide in Year 2 of For What It’s Worth has forced me to focus on all sorts of things. Some I was looking forward to writing about and others I’m…
Author: Melinda Charlesworth
What does SUCCESS look like to you?
There are hiking stories and there are writing stories and there are stories of all sorts that fit somewhere in between but ALL my stories involve the wild swing between the success or failure of…
Online WORD games – win or lose?
I am a word nerd. That rhyme brings me word joy of the Marie Kondo variety! I’m guessing this admission is no surprise to any of you Komunikastians who read these rambles of mine. So…
Persevering with WRITING
Everyone remembers the moment Beth died in Little Women. It brings me to tears every single time I read it. There is another moment in that beautiful book that makes me cry as well. Do…